Average salary for web designers in 2021

What are Web Designers Paid?

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage for web developers is $88,240 as of May 2019. However, this figure does not include self-employed designers or those who work in other industries such as marketing or advertising. The BLS also reports that employment of web developers is projected to grow 15 percent from 2019 to 2029, which is faster than the average for all occupations.

Factors that Influence Web Designer Salaries:

Location: The salary for web designers can vary greatly depending on the location. For example, web designers in New York City tend to earn higher salaries than those in smaller towns.

Experience: The more experience a web designer has, the higher their salary tends to be.

Skills: Web designers who specialize in certain skills such as UI/UX design or e-commerce development tend to earn higher salaries.

Factors that Influence Web Designer Salaries

Company Size: The size of the company also plays a role in determining a web designer’s salary.

Industry: The industry in which a web designer works also plays a role in determining their salary.

Real-Life Examples:

Let’s take a closer look at some real-life examples to illustrate how these factors influence salaries.

Location: A web designer in New York City will likely earn more than a web designer in a smaller town due to the higher cost of living and demand for talent in the city.

Real-Life Examples

Experience: A web designer with 5 years of experience will likely earn more than a web designer with only 1 year of experience, assuming they have similar skills and work in the same location.

Skills: Web designers who specialize in certain skills or work in finance or healthcare tend to earn higher salaries than those who work in other industries.

Company Size: Web designers who work for larger companies tend to earn higher salaries than those who work for smaller companies.

Industry: Web designers who work in finance or healthcare tend to earn higher salaries than those who work in other industries.


Web design is an essential skill that is highly sought-after by businesses of all sizes and industries. The average salary for web designers varies depending on the location, experience, skills, company size, and industry. Web designers who specialize in certain skills or work in finance or healthcare tend to earn higher salaries than those who work in other industries. By understanding these factors that influence salaries, web designers can negotiate better pay and find more lucrative job opportunities.

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